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Ayurvedic Management of Cardiac (Heart) Problems

Hrud Roga or Cardiac problems originate when Kapha blocks the pathways of Vata in the chest region, these problems are classified in Ayurveda as of five types which are due to 1) Vata, 2) Pitta, 3) Kapha, 4) Tridosha vitiations and 5) the Krimij type.
Dietary, lifestyle and other psychological factors are the main causes of Cardiac problems. Ayurveda considers the functions of the heart and mind to be interlinked and hence factors like anxiety, stress, anger and sex are also taken into consideration along with other root causes whilst treating cardiac problems. By-pass surgery can also be avoided if the problem is brought to the timely notice of the Ayurvedic physician.
Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations: 

  • Take strict vegetarian low fat diet.
  • Avoid smoking and coffee
  • Do moderate regular exercise
  • Develop a nature of love and effection to others
  • Be cool, speak softly and gently
  • Laughter is the best medicine, laugh a lot
  • Try relxaton tequiniques like meditation

Home remedies you can try:

  • Soak 1tsp fenugreek seed in water for a night and munch them early in the morning on empty stomach – will reduce high blood cholesterol
  • A paste made of about 1gm of garlic should be mixed with a glass of buttermilk. Drink this buttermilk twice a day. It will bring your blood pressure down. Garlic lowers cholesterol and triglyceride that have impact on heart disease.
  • Eating Pumpkin seeds or banana every day is good for reducing high blood pressure

Solutions in Ayurveda:
Body cleaning type of treatments like punchakarma to eliminate the excess kapha is done as the first line of treatment if the patient is healthy enough
Therpies like Uro Vasti, Sarva Kaya Abhyanga, Pizichil, Rejuvenation therapy and Yoga exercises along with preparations for internal use are suggested.
A study conducted at the Gujarat Ayurvedic University (in India), drugs such as Terminalia Arjuna and Jaharmohara were administered to heart patients. In 66 percent of the cases the levels of chest pains, palpitation and fatigue came down dramatically and blood pressure and pulse rate came back to normal.
Consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor before trying any type of herbal or Ayurvedic treatments.

Note: Treatments mentioned here should be done only under the supervision of qualified Ayurvedic doctor.


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